LENS, a Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a unique, effective and safe form of neurotherapy that facilitates changes in people of all ages with a wide variety of presenting issues. It has the capacity to address numerous symptoms and deficits by addressing maladaptive brainwave patterns that may have developed over time or after an acute injury. LENS is not a treatment for any specific condition rather it aims to optimize overall brain function resulting in improvement in many conditions and symptoms.
Clinical Applications
Some conditions and symptoms that respond well to neurofeedback treatment:
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Attention deficit (ADD/ADHD)
- Insomnia
- Concussion
- Fibromyalgia
- Depression/Anxiety
- Chronic Fatigue
For persons who are otherwise healthy, but interested in optimizing brain function, this technique offers great benefits including:
- Increased attention and focus
- Improved cognitive performance
- Improved mood
- Improved sleep
- Reduced hyperactivity
Call to book an appointment with Dr. Nadia Noori for LENS Neurofeedback!
In the meantime, check out this this short documentary about LENS Neurofeedback..